Gunslinger stratos game usa
Gunslinger stratos game usa

gunslinger stratos game usa gunslinger stratos game usa

Clearly there was some sort of conceptual story in place, but they could not have gone about conveying it to the viewers in a worse fashion. It’s actually hard to believe that people who clearly don’t have the foggiest sense of even the most basic elements of storytelling were getting paid to animate this trash. The plot, setting, and characters are all an absolute muddle of incompetence that leave you awestruck out of sheer incomprehensibility. Not good ole’ Gunslinger Stratos though! Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING about this show’s writing and directing is an absolute disgrace. Usually anime that don’t make sense have a passable script that was poorly executed or an awful script that was executed averagely. So in case that synopsis didn’t clue you in, the biggest and most glaring problem that Gunslinger Stratos has is the fact that it makes NO sense. There are two parallel universes with completely arbitrary differences, the inhabitants fight each other for no reason whatsoever, and people turn into sand sometimes. Ladies and Gentleman we have been gifted this season with one of those remarkable anomalies that defy all human comprehension. A show that is so awful, it feels like an accomplishment. A show that lacks so much as a single redeeming quality. A show that quite literally could not be worse than it already is. Moon, you may stumble across a special show that falls into that remaining 1%. Or maybe the show just provided some mindless fun at times. Maybe that comedic relief character was actually funny occasionally. It doesn’t matter how incoherent the plot is, how god-awful the characters are, how piss poor the animation is, or how maddeningly awful the sound effects are there is almost always SOMETHING that you can take away from a show. Despite that fact, 99% of anime created over the course human history have at least some sort of redeeming quality. Let’s face it: There are a LOT of bad anime out there.

Gunslinger stratos game usa